Tag Archives: Playland

Live Review: Johnny Marr at the 930 Club


Let’s start by saying this is something totally different to me but I quite like the idea of challenging myself. So here goes with my first live review. In opening a record review I normally commence by pondering the roots of my interest in the artist. But that seems a little too, well, biographical and extended for a live review.

Suffice it to say that Johnny Marr is a guitar legend who has blazed his own trail and in the process inspired many of us to pick up a six string. Tonight it is clear why he provokes such cultish loyalty- he is phenomenally talented and is inspired in his playing. His guitar and the energy that it conveys, especially when backed by a swinging band is mesmeric.

But for all his talent there is a predicament facing Johnny Marr and artists of his age- embracing the past while pushing the future. Continue reading

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